14 Ocak 2015 Çarşamba

Nintendo 3ds ve 3ds Oyunları

Merhaba Arkadaşlar ,

Uzun bir sureden sonra tekrar mesaj yazıyorum
Bu süre içerisinde dönem dönem gelişmeleri takip etmeye çalıştım ama çok fazla bir değişiklik yoktu taki bugüne kadar, bugün dolaşırken uzun zamandır beklenen 3ds oyunlarının gateway card sayesinde tüm firmwarelerde oynana bilir duruma geldiğini gördüm. (sadece 4.1 - 4.5 arası değil 9.2 ye kadar olan tum Nds3 lere uyumlu). Ay sonunda Gateway 3ds kart sipariş verip bizzat denedikten sonra sizlere kurulumu ve çalışması hakkında bilgi vermeyi düşünüyorum. Tahminlerime göre bir aksilik olmaz ise kart 14.02 gibi elime ulaşmış olur.

21 Mart 2014 Cuma

Versiyon 7.1 ve Destekli Kartlar

Piyasada bula bileceğiniz 7.1 destekli kartlar http://www.r4wood.com/categories/For-3DS-%28XL%7B47%7DLL%29-2DS-to-7.1/

Oyunları bulabileceğiniz adres : Günlük 1 Gb Kota sınırı vardır.(Adsl modem fişinizi çekin 5 dk bekleyin ve tekrar takın yeni bir ip aldığınızda Kotanız gelicektir.)
Linkte ayrıca 3ds oyunlarıda bulunmaktadır tabi oynaya bilmek için 3ds Kart ihtiyacınız var (3ds) ve bu kartlar 3ds versiyon 4.5 üzerinde çalışmamaktadır.

4 Temmuz 2013 Perşembe

Gateway-3DS Flashcart Blocked by 3DS V6.0 System

From : R4wood.com

Alıntı : R4wood.com

As we are waiting for arrival of Gateway-3DS flashcart, new 3DS system V6.0.0-12J has blocked this flashcart although it has not been released openly.

Source from Gbatemp.net.
What we think about this blocking

System V6.0.0-12J was released on Jun 18th, 2013 before anybody can receiving the sample, how could Nintendo get it blocked in advance ?

1, Detected by 3DS console ?

- Gateway-3ds will surely do their online / offline 3DS ROMs tests as they said all 3DS ROMs are to be supported. Then does 3DS detect what working mode is gateway-3ds in ? Hardware is obviously not to open to Nintendo yet. Under privacy protection, it seems they will not collect those data.

2, Judging from info opened on the net ?

- We believe that Nintendo are very familiar with their 3DS operation system, with collecting info on how Gateway-3DS works and what features it has, Nintendo knows how to fix and update their console system.
Why it should be blocked

To improve sales of both 3DS console and orginal 3DS games, and good 3DS games are playing major role improving hardware sale, Nintendo would not let any flashcart company to intermingle their sale plans.

Today, website gateway-3ds.com failed in ping, hope it is just a tempory issue.

What We can Do

Gateway-3DS is not region free, and currently it is said that it supports Japanese 3DS ROMs on Japanese 3DS / 3DS LL only. It is not in hot global interest yet.

And up to 180,000 people have watched its official Youtube video, but it is a very small ratio comparing to 3DS total sale.

Therefore, our recommendation is to wait for another 3 months and wait for other flashcarts to join in, there still are so many DS games you can play.

R4i GOLD PRO 6.1.0-x , R4i Sdhc 6.1.0-x Destek Kernelleri

R4i GOLD PRO 6.1.0-x  ve R4i Sdhc 6.1.0-x Destekli Kernelleri yayınlandı

R4i Sdhc

R4i Gold Pro

R4i-SDHC 3DS RTS Firmware Patch for 3DS (XL) 6.1.0-x

Confirmed with r4i-sdhc.com that R4I-SDHC 3DS RTS can be firmware upgrade for 3DS (XL) V6.1 system, and it will be available very soon.

Kernel V1.70b does not support this 6.1 firmware upgrade. Neither does the kernel V1.71b released on Jul 2nd, 2013, at least, V1.71b does not support firmware upgrade for those RTS cards on our hands.

How to firmware upgrade for 3DS (XL) 6.1.0-11U, 6.1.0-12E or 6.1.0-12A ?

Once update patch released, r4wood will upload a youtube video guide on this.

Our recommendation

Do NOT update your 3DS or 3DS XL console before having your R4i SDHC 3DS RTS card firmwre upgrade for latest V6.1 system.

28 Haziran 2013 Cuma

3DS system software upated to version 6.1.0.x ( Yeni Güncelleme 6.1.0.x) 27.06.2013

Nintendo firması 6.0.0.x ten sonra 27.06.2013 tarihinde yeni bir güncelleme daha yayınladı ,

Update : DSTwo cart is confirmed working fine with the update
Changelog : Version 6.1.0-11U available via wireless Internet connection includes the following improvements:Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience.

23 Haziran 2013 Pazar

3DS6.0 updating patch is released now!(for R4i gold 3DS card only)(Jun.23,2013)

Evet ilk r4i kart 6.0.X yaması http://r4ids.cn/ sitesi tarafından yayınlandı

Farklı Kartlarda Denemeyin !!!

Download : http://r4ids.cn/r4i-download-e.htm